Chandigarh Juvenile Crime Surge: A Disturbing Trend 2024


In Chandigarh, crime by juveniles sees a 46% surge in a year

The picturesque city of Chandigarh, known for its planned architecture and vibrant culture, is grappling with a concerning issue: a surge in crime committed by juveniles. Amidst the backdrop of an ever-widening economic gap between the affluent and the underprivileged, statistics reveal a disturbing trend that demands urgent attention.

In a recent incident that sent shockwaves through the community, a theft of equipment valued at over ₹1 crore occurred at electric vehicle charging stations. What was particularly alarming was the revelation that the perpetrators were not seasoned criminals, but children as young as eight years old. These five boys, aged between 8 and 11, resorted to selling off the stolen equipment for a meager sum of ₹6,000. Following their apprehension, they were provided counseling and enrolled in school, underscoring the complex nature of juvenile crime.

The statistics paint a sobering picture of the escalating situation. In 2022, 116 juveniles below the age of 18 were apprehended for various offenses. Shockingly, this number surged to 170 in 2023, marking a staggering increase of 46.5%. Tragically, 2024 has already witnessed the apprehension of 29 juveniles for diverse crimes, signaling an ongoing challenge for law enforcement authorities.

Delving deeper into the data, it’s evident that the spectrum of offenses committed by juveniles is wide-ranging. In 2023, 17 juveniles were arrested for murder cases, a stark contrast to the solitary arrest in 2022. Similarly, the number of juveniles apprehended for attempted murder and assaults witnessed a concerning rise.

Beyond violent crimes, petty offenses perpetrated by juveniles pose significant challenges for law enforcement agencies. The incidence of thefts involving juveniles increased from 19 in 2022 to a staggering 32 in 2023, reflecting a worrying trend of criminal behavior among impressionable youth.

Police officials attribute the rise in juvenile crime to various factors, notably the prevalence of school dropouts, particularly from peripheral areas of the city. Recognizing the need for a holistic approach, law enforcement agencies are emphasizing both punitive measures and proactive intervention strategies. Cases involving young offenders are handled with sensitivity, with efforts focused on rehabilitation through counseling and educational support.

Shipra Bansal, Chairperson of the Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights, acknowledges the gravity of the situation and underscores the importance of early intervention and counseling. Initiatives are underway to conduct counseling sessions for children residing in peripheral areas, with collaboration between stakeholders to ensure effective support mechanisms.

As Chandigarh grapples with this unsettling trend, concerted efforts are underway to address the root causes of juvenile crime and provide support systems for at-risk youth. Through a combination of community engagement, educational initiatives, and counseling programs, stakeholders are committed to creating a safer and more inclusive environment for the city’s youth.


1. What factors contribute to the surge in juvenile crime in Chandigarh? The surge in juvenile crime is attributed to various factors, including socioeconomic disparities, school dropout rates, and inadequate support systems for at-risk youth.

2. How are law enforcement agencies addressing juvenile crime? Law enforcement agencies are adopting a multifaceted approach that combines punitive measures with proactive intervention strategies, including counseling and educational support.

3. What role do community organizations play in tackling juvenile crime? Community organizations collaborate with law enforcement and government agencies to provide support mechanisms, counseling services, and educational initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of juvenile delinquency.

4. How effective are counseling sessions in rehabilitating juvenile offenders? Counseling sessions play a crucial role in rehabilitating juvenile offenders by addressing underlying issues, providing guidance, and promoting positive behavior.

5. What measures can parents take to prevent their children from engaging in criminal activities? Parents can play a proactive role by fostering open communication, providing emotional support, and ensuring access to educational opportunities for their children.

6. How can the community contribute to preventing juvenile crime? The community can contribute to preventing juvenile crime by promoting social cohesion, providing mentorship opportunities, and creating safe spaces for youth engagement and recreation.

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