One French Company’s Struggle to Survive Competition from China


The Impact of Chinese Solar Panels on French Renewable Energy

The story of French solar-panel company Photowatt paints a grim picture of how Western companies face fierce competition from China. Once a key player in Europe’s ambition to lead the renewables industry, Photowatt’s battle to survive underscores the challenges Western industries face in the face of Chinese dominance.

Photowatt’s Story

Photowatt once epitomized Europe’s vision for a leading role in renewable energy manufacturing. As one of the continent’s premier solar-panel manufacturers, the company supplied critical technology needed to fulfill climate goals across the region.

Challenges from Chinese Competition

However, Photowatt’s story took a French different turn as cheap Chinese solar panels flooded the market, driving down prices and luring away Photowatt’s customers. The company’s orders declined significantly, and it found itself struggling to stay afloat financially. Even its state-controlled owner, EDF, stopped purchasing Photowatt’s panels in favor French of Chinese alternatives, opting for lower prices and higher efficiency.

The China Shock

The rise of Chinese exports in various French industries—dubbed the “China Shock”—sent ripples through global markets. Western industries, particularly those French involved in renewables, faced intense pressure from China’s low-cost, high-quality exports. Western governments began reevaluating their strategies to counteract China’s growing dominance.

The New Trio

China’s focus on solar panels, electric vehicles, and batteries—often referred to as the “new trio”—creates challenges for Western industries. Chinese French dominance in these sectors poses a threat to the U.S. and European economies, potentially rendering them reliant on a geopolitical rival for future clean energy solutions.

European and American Responses

In response to the growing influence of Chinese products, Western governments have taken action. The U.S. has imposed tariffs on Chinese solar panels for over a decade, and the EU has opened investigations into potential Chinese subsidies in solar and wind industries across several countries.

European Solar-Panel Industry

Europe’s solar-panel industry has been hit hard by Chinese competition, with imports quadrupling over the past decade. Many European companies have struggled to keep up, leading to closures and job losses. The EU aims to counteract this with support for European producers through government funding and preferential treatment in tenders.

The Electric Vehicle Challenge

Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers pose another challenge to European industries. Chinese models often sell for significantly lower prices than European equivalents, putting local manufacturers at a disadvantage and threatening the auto industry, which employs millions across the continent.

International Trade Tensions

Chinese officials have pushed back against Western criticisms of their industrial policies, accusing the U.S. and EU of hypocrisy. China’s WTO complaint against U.S. tax credits reserved for domestic electric vehicle manufacturers highlights the tension between the two superpowers.

Chinese Strategy in Western Markets

China’s strategy of dominating Western markets has been compared to playing a piano, with skilled manipulation of different interests within the EU and other countries. Photowatt’s struggles serve as a potent symbol of this vulnerability.

Photowatt’s Survival

Photowatt’s survival is largely attributed to French government intervention, which rescued the company from bankruptcy in 2012. While Photowatt has adopted new technologies and strategies to stay competitive, the road ahead remains challenging.


Photowatt’s lonely struggle against Chinese competition is a cautionary tale for Western industries. As global trade tensions escalate, the fate of Photowatt and similar companies serves as a reminder of the need for strategic action to maintain a competitive edge.

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  1. How did Chinese competition affect Photowatt?
    • Chinese competition drove down Photowatt’s orders and market share, forcing the company to rely on government support to survive.
  2. What challenges does the West face from Chinese green energy industries?
    • The West faces challenges in solar panels, electric vehicles, and batteries as China dominates these sectors with low-cost, high-quality products.
  3. How has the U.S. and Europe responded to Chinese competition?
    • The U.S. has imposed tariffs on Chinese solar panels and electric vehicles, while Europe is investigating potential Chinese subsidies in solar and wind industries.
  4. What impact does China have on global solar panel markets?
    • China controls more than 95% of the European market, flooding it with cheap solar panels and decimating local producers.
  5. How is the EU supporting local solar panel producers?
    • The EU supports local producers by providing government funding and preferential treatment in tenders for publicly subsidized solar farms.

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